Some questions we’ve been emailed several times and our answers:

Q: Why don’t you just get a loan?
A: We tried. They don’t like to give non-business loans to people who are self-employed.

Q: What have you spent on trying to conceive so far?
A: We have already spent about $18,500 already. (And to answer your next question: Yes - of course we wish we had gone straight to IVF, but that's hindsight.)

Q: Don’t you think this is God’s way of telling you that you shouldn’t have a baby?
A: No.

Q: Why don’t you just adopt?
A: We would if we could!
First off, no one in the USA “just adopts.” Even in states where it’s much easier than it is in Washington it is a long and costly process. Here in Washington there are several things stopping us. The first is money. In Washington it costs as much or more than IVF to adopt. Secondly, my husband is over the age limit for adoption in Washington. Thirdly we have been told that even though we are both healthy people, we are “too fat” to be considered. So while we would happily adopt, short of something like a zombie apocalypse where we go around saving infants from their zombiefied parents, adoption is not the right option for us.

Q: If you can't afford IVF how can you afford a baby?!?
A: Because babies don't cost $20000 all at once.
Being a doula I have an unending supply of baby clothes, toys, etc from clients. As of now I pass them on to other clients, but seriously - we wont have to buy much for a baby when we have one. Secondly - breastmilk is FREE! Even if for some reason I couldn't breastfeed - there are plenty of free milkbanks and free milk-sharing groups like Human Milk for Human Babies out there!

Q: I can’t donate – can I help some other way?
A: OF COURSE! You can:
Spread the word! Please post our link on twitter, facebook, your blog etc!
Donate something to the auction our friend Marcie is running! If you can’t view the document HERE. then please email her at

Q: Why didn’t you answer my question?
A: Feel free to email us at